Charitable Fund of promoting the spiritual and
moral youth education

About the Fund

Charitable Fund of assistance of spiritually-moral education of youth "all together", hereinafter "the Fund", is not in membership of a non-profit organization, aimed at social, charitable, cultural, educational and other socially useful purposes.

The purpose of the Fund

Creation of conditions for the intellectual, spiritual and physical development of young people.
Promotion of socially significant projects in the spheres of culture, physical culture, sports and youth policy, contributing to personal fulfilment and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Formation of conditions for stimulating and supporting public, including youth projects aimed at the self-realization of personality and moral education

Objectives of the Fund

To achieve the above objectives, the Fund sets itself the following tasks:

  • Collecting donations
  • Organization of leisure activities for young people
  • Supporting socially unprotected citizens
  • Support for children's and youth socially significant projects

The basic directions of activity of the Fund

Organization of independent artistic activities.
Promoting a healthy lifestyle among population, development of the system of "family" of leisure.
Promoting military-patriotic education of youth.
Popularization of active recreation
Prevention of xenophobia and political extremism.

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