Contest "Summer Park in memory of the victims of Beslan!
Charitable Foundation "All together" has been conducting competition entitled "the Summer Park in memory of the victims of Beslan.
We all remember the terrible tragedy that occurred in September 1, 2004. Beslan, North Ossetia. This attack killed 333 people, of which 186 were children.
Annually throughout Russia solemn ruler devoted to the start of the school year, starting with a minute of silence.
This year is the 12-th anniversary of tragedy in Beslan. BF "ALL TOGETHER" holds a competition for talented youth summer park in memory of the victims of Beslan. The main objective of the competition is to attract attention of the public and public authorities to the protection and rehabilitation of child victims of terrorist attacks.
The task of the participants of the contest is to show that we remember about this terrible tragedy to tell about the importance of maintaining peaceful relations, both internally and externally.
In the contest represented two nominations:
The poet sends his poem dedicated to the memory of the victims of Beslan, specifies the name of the poem, the name, contact details.
Vocal competition
To participate you will need to remove the camera or smartphone rendition of the song, which deals with the tragedy of Beslan. The recording must be amateur, not professional. The participant indicates the song title, author/composer, name, contact information.
To participate in the contest, you must register on the site, and then choose one of two nominations (poem, vocals) and place their work in a private office.
Contest "Summer Park in memory of the victims of Beslan last from 30.07.2016 g. by 01.09.2016 g.
On all matters of participation in the contest, please contact
Remember! Mourn!