Charitable Fund of promoting the spiritual and
moral youth education

Festival of ethnic sports


Festival of ethnic sports

The project is implemented by the Foundation "all together" and "SBD Moscow House of nationalities" with the support of the national policy, interregional relations and tourism of the city of Moscow, the Central Moscow hippodrome and ROO "Moscow and Muscovites".
The event will take place September 10, 2016 on the day of the celebration of the "day of the city of Moscow" and will contribute to the conservation of traditional national sports and culture of peoples of Russia, the practice of intercultural dialogue, integration on the basis of a study of common historical foundations of gaming ethnic traditions, promoting recreation and healthy living.
The program of the event:
-competitions in the national struggle for the prize of Ivan Pod
dubniy; -lifting competitions dedicated to 145 anniversary of Iva
n Poddubniy
; -towns; -Mac w
restling; -fa
n-run; -National Games, fun and food.
In the artistic part of the event, guests will be provided with the concert program, which will feature national creative groups and performers. Preserving culture and tradition, artists will give national coloring of its people through melody, movement, rhythm, song, dance, or playing a musical instrument.
Time of the event-from 12.00 till 18.00. Projected number of participants and guests of the event-over 2000 attendees.

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