Charitable Fund of promoting the spiritual and
moral youth education


With 22 on 25 August, the Fund jointly Fund Serebrov A.a. Together participated in the protest MARCH, PONKRATOVCEV the IMMORTAL
visited places fighting in the Novgorod region.

In the spring of 1942 year in forests near the village of Novgorod Meat BOR was played one of the greatest tragedies of the great patriotic war.
The 2nd shock army of the Volkhov front had fulfilled the task of deblokade. Was the connection with the 54-th Army of the Leningrad front, but got into the environment, which completely closed the Nazis ring May 31, 1942 Goda.
According to the results of the expedition, a joint decision on the preparation of provisions for the establishment of a working group to develop a concept for the establishment of the register of military graves and places feats with a description and historical reference.

We have returned!

Our campaign "the immortal March pankratovcev passed very successfully! 22 August we started in Moscow! The first event was held on Klimashkina Street, where we commemorated the memory of the hero of the Soviet Union, hero of the heroic deeds of self-sacrifice-Alexey Klimashkina Fedotovich. Also, Krasnaya Presnya, on the street. Anatoly 05449 we paid tribute to the memory of another hero of the Soviet Union and the hero of the feat of self-sacrifice is Zhivovu Anatoly Pavlovich! The members of the Committee for the preservation of memory, with the participation of members of the Charity Fund "the whole together, laid flowers at the Memorial plaques in honour of aforementioned heroes. Unfortunately, the representatives of the Government, "Blues" did not participate in this event, although it promised. The third point of our action was school No. 293, kasatkina, d. 1, where it was in the year 1941 formed 3-I Communist Brigade of Moscow (Rostokinskaja). This Brigade fighters: Hulin Anatoly Evgenyevich, Tatar Mikhail Borisovich and Dmitry V. Okorokov, carried out its legendary feat in the Novgorod region in February 1942 Goda. The event was attended by representatives of the Council ", EMERCOM Academy Alekseevsky, veterans, residents of the region. The rally also was held in Tver Oblast, Konakovskom district, on areas associated with the feat of self-sacrifice hero — Vasilkovsky Vyacheslav Viktorovich. We were delighted to welcome reception and warm by local residents and representatives of the administration of Konakovskogo region. Late in the evening of the same day, we arrived in Novgorod, where 23 August took part in the 4-th international conference dedicated to the heroes of the heroism of self-sacrifice. 24 August, together with representatives of Veliky Novgorod and other participants from different regions of our country, we conducted our campaign: the monument of Alexander Konstantinovich Pankratova, in honor of the 75 anniversary of his legendary feat — the first feat during the great patriotic war, on Nelezen', where it has been committed by A.k. Pankratovym feat. Volotovo, the burial place of hero feat self-sacrifice Babkina P.p., der. Saviour Polist Chudovskogo district of Novgorod oblast, on the burial place of Ivan Mikhailovich Barsukova, as well as the place of burial and the feat of the legendary hero-Ivan Ivanovich Burmistrova, in the Novgorod region. on August 25 we continued our route (expedition) in the Novgorod region. In the Marjovskom area, in der new Russa visited the site of the feat and dumping hero feat self-sacrifice, our Muscovite — Anatoly Evgenyevich Halina. Action (expedition) has been very successful! I thank all participants of our expedition! We honourably fulfilled the tasks entrusted to us! Took part in the rally, members of our Committee:
Chmutin Y.p., Zviagin s.v., Boldyrev S.m., Kotov I.l., Łosice v.p., Zolotov d.i., Abramov RV, Baikadamova a.b., as well as President of the charitable fund "open hearts" — Mr. A.l. A special word of thanks to the representatives of the great Novgorod: head of veteran organization in Novgorod — Levkovu Yu.m., Deputy Head of the Administration in Novgorod-Osipov a.a., Deputy Head of administration of Novgorod district of Novgorod oblast — Petrov s.m., Vice-Chairman of the Committee on education of the Novgorod region, Vinogradova O.n. As well, the party of our Committee — Golobokovu V.z. and the staff of the Charity Fund "the whole together" — Georgy Geraskinu and Artem Semke!

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