Charitable Fund of promoting the spiritual and
moral youth education

ORYOL region visited participants of the III Interregional expedition to preserve the memory of the heroes of the heroism of self-sacrifice

The expedition is dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of the feat of hero of the Soviet Union, participant of the great patriotic war Alexander Pankratov. Its route runs through the territory of Moscow, Tula, Kaluga, Briansk, Orel, Voronezh, Rostov oblasts and Krasnoyarsk.

September 27 in Eagle profit expedition leader Sergei Zvyagin, its technical director, President of the charitable fund "all together" Dmitriy Zolotov and Deputy Chief of staff of the expedition Roman Abramov. They took part in a Roundtable on the theme of preserving the historical memory of the great patriotic war, where told about the activities of the public project.

Its purpose is to gather and organize information about the participants of the hostilities, the perpetrators of the war years feat of self-sacrifice, also known as feat Alexander Matrosov is saving the lives of other soldiers at the cost of their own. The participants of the annual expeditions are engaged in scientific research and popularization of military history among young people, leading public monitoring of the status of monuments to the heroes of the Soviet Union, are perpetuating their memory. According to the members of the expedition currently 445 documented cases of self-sacrifice, which carried out the representatives of 24 nationalities from among the occupying SOVIET UNION. Heroes feat other than adult men, three women and three minors.

"These people are legends, heroes, which closed a holes enemy firing points, giving the opportunity to successfully complete the attack to other soldiers. Such cases were recorded and in the pre-war period, and during the great patriotic war, and during local wars and conflicts involving fighters of the Soviet army. Emphasize that such feats were observed neither in the Nazi army, or in the ranks of the allies of the Soviet Union by the anti-Hitler coalition. We believe that this is a worthy example of service to the fatherland, which should know the younger generation, "said expedition leader Sergei Zvyagin. Upon completion of the work of the round table, participants visited the expedition located the inter-regional Orel graves heroes of the Soviet Union who committed self-sacrifice feat — Mikhail Antonov (Trinity cemetery), and Peter Trukhanov (Afanas'evskoe cemetery), they also visited the grave in the village of Droskovo Pokrovsky district and the village of Kolpna.

At the conclusion of the expedition will be prepared a report about the State of places with recommendations on carrying out activities aimed at the preservation and further popularization of the memory of the heroes of the legendary feat, to be sent to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the public Chamber of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION, regional sales executive.

g Eagle g Eagle orlovskaya oblast

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