Patriotic work "Together" continues!
Patriotic work "patriotism in Russia could not be any other unifying beginning"-said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the annual final press conference held December 23, 2016 onwards.
23.12.16 at 10.00 am in the public Chamber of the Russian Federation held a round table on theme: "Patriotic work of public organizations in general educational establishments. The case of youth! ".
The event was attended by: Mp Mos Mountains Duma-Ilyicheva Irina Viktorovna, President of "All together"-Dmitri Ivanovich Zolotov, the Cossacks Marino, regional and Municipal offices of DOSAAF, police fraternity, Union Veterans of Afghanistan, the Youth Assembly of peoples of Russia, Junior Chamber Moe Mountains, "open hearts", Committee for the preservation of the memory of the heroes of sacrifice, the Museum of heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia, the Rector of the parish of St. Sergius of Radonezh at khodynskoye pole ROC Archpriest-fr. Vasyl Biksej, as well as heads and representatives of parents ' committees GBOU GBOU schools and lyceums of Moscow and Moscow region.
Was given a summary and analysis of inter-regional fund shares-"Sojkost' and courage", which launched 14.11.16 and was supported by the Chairman of the Committee on patriotism OPRF-Shhetininym Sergey Viktorovich, the leaders of the Methodist school and Moscow city and region, our friends, colleagues, and friendly foreign public figures-sisters Aigul and Aloys Bajkadamovymi (grandchildren of the legendary General Panfilov, the founders of the "Panfilovskskogo movement")-the Republic of Kazakhstan. With the direct participation of Mrs. Aigul held more than 20 Lessons of courage for students of Moscow and Mo.
Roundtable participants noted the urgent need for and importance of action "the resilience and courage" in GBOU and expressed their wholehearted support. There was a lively and open dialogue between schools and community organizations. "All together" got a huge number of invitations to conduct patriotic work.
Patriotism is the main foundation for the future of Russia, our fatherland.