Promoting military-patriotic education of youth
Problems of patriotic education currently have become a priority for a number of reasons:
• increasing the level of awareness of bezydejnoj, which in turn leads to an increase in the level of cynicism, indifference, the aggressiveness of the people; on young minds are affected by different religious and political currents, including a radical and nationalist;
• lack of clear, formed the ideological positions in society, leads to a shift in values towards consumption and lack of spirituality.
• M.v. Lomonosov wrote: "people, not knowing its past has no future." This statement defined the basic direction of patriotic education, how education personality on vivid examples of past generations, heroic pages in the history of our motherland.
• Patriotism is part of both public and individual consciousness. At the level of public consciousness under patriotism means national paradigm, the unity of our State, formed on the basis of traditions, culture and history of each people. At the level of individual consciousness and patriotism is formed as patriotism, pride in their country, the desire to learn, understand and improve it. Thus, patriotism is one of the main elements of the structure of social consciousness, which reflects the attitude of the individual to the Fatherland, to the motherland, the history, the memory of his people.
• Preservation of the memory of the population to the events of the great patriotic war, examination of the facts of the greatest feat of peoples is an important direction in the upbringing of the younger generation.
• First of all, it relates to facts that are related to the fate of specific soldiers, Soldiers of victory, whose feats and price whose lives were saved the lives of many people.
• As a result of research activities, charitable fund "All together", together with the Committee for the preservation of the memory of the heroes of the feat of the sacrifice "was able to gather extensive information and install seats that are closely intertwined with the fate of each character.
• Within the framework of educational activities, primarily aimed at young people, activists of the project go to the places connected with people who have sacrificed themselves for the sake of the lives of others carried out the feat of self-sacrifice. Such appointments, promotions, events, United by a common goal, stepping up research work in the field, which in turn contributes to the development of interest in the study of the history of his native land-small motherland, preserving the memory of the heroes of the past, "the education of feeling of respect to their fellow, aware of their belonging to a great, heroic history of our country!
Our events:
Press-conference devoted to "75-th anniversary of the battle of Moscow»
A lesson in courage, g. Ivanteevka, Moscow region
Exhibition in memory of the victims of the tragedy of Beslan "without further ADO.
Photo exhibition "the first heroes of the Soviet Union and the first Heroes heroism of sacrifice
3-th international expedition to preserve the memory of the heroes of the heroism of self-sacrifice
The immortal March 22-25 August pankratovcev 2016g
The immortal March 22-24 pakratovcev September 2016goda